Thursday, September 18, 2008

This Semester's Goals

Dr. Crider and I tentatively planned out what we hoped to get accomplished over the next two years on our first meeting of the semester. These are the goals we came up with for this semester (Fall 2008):
1. Present at Society of Physics Students Meeting
2. Conduct a literature review
3. Document software pipeline
4. Identify an appropriate professional conference to present at

One of my tasks was to flesh out my project and its direction. I came up with some more ideas of things that I should work on this semester:
- Present a poster for my College Fellows Project during reading day
- Write a section of my thesis for the research I did over the summer before I forget it
- Come up with candidate research questions and start to narrow them down
- Discern which journals/publications are most useful to me (figure out the best places to look for the latest information)
- Understand the format for sending in data to the MPC

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