Friday, July 11, 2008

Day #22

The past few days I've been analyzing the data I was able to get from Maxim DL. Since I now have the positions of 2008 LG2 in my photos, I have something to compare with the HORIZONS database. Therefore, I told HORIZONS to generate me an ephimeris for 2008 LG2 at the time (down to the minute) the pictures were taken. Right now, I am in the process of plotting the values HORIZONS generates with those I have taken from my pictures. This involves a lot of Excel work and conversions, so its keeping me busy. From what I am starting to see now, my RA's are almost exactly the same. My declination coordinates seem to stray from the HORIZONS data at two places. I might need to go back and make sure I got the best coordinate value from my pictures at those two points.

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